Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It was bad enough the first--and second--time around

...but tonight "ALF" was on Japanese TV again after all these years.  Well, it caused me to look it up and read about the production and the actors and what they're doing today, etc.  Now I know why I never could see anything charming or funny about that show---nobody enjoyed making it in the first place.

Read about it here

Trivia Question:  What does "Alf" stand for?

(Why did I waste my time doing this??)

Bite-sized pancake dessert~~

OK, here's another "find" from the constantly-changing Japanese confectionary market--"Hotcake-flavored White Chocolate"...It helps to remember that "Hot-o-cake-ey" is served in Japan as a dessert/snack rather than a breakfast item.  It tastes exactly like pancakes 'n syrup.

Do you like wasabi (Japanese horseradish)????

Chihuahua Dad found a new product, an unlikely combination of creamy-crispy-candy and WASABI.  Actually, it didn't taste bad...horseradish + white chocolate.